Monday, July 06, 2009

the danger of drinking water from a plastic bottle

Many people drink bottled water. It's convenient when you're out in hot weather and it is also convenient when you're on the go. It's easy to get and more convenient to take with you. You won't have to carry around a cup and put it under the tap every-time you need water, you just open the bottle of water you have in your purse or car. Bottled water is always there when you need it but did your know that it can be dangerous for your health?

Most bottled water is just filtered water, it still has the same impurities that regular tap water has. Plastic water bottles leach chemicals into the water especially when the bottle has been warmed. Just sitting in the car on a hot day can warm your water bottle. Taking a drink from your water bottle and then putting the water bottle away for later causes bacteria to grow in your water. The amount of bacteria that grows on your water bottle can reach dangerous levels.

The plastic that holds your water have been found to contain chemicals such as phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA). These toxins can disrupt the endocrine system, messing up your hormone balance. This can lead to weight gain and fatigue which defeats the purpose of working out and playing. This is very bad for people who think that they are doing a good thing for their body's by drinking bottled water.

There is growing evidence (among mice and rats) that low doses of BPA can cause:

v Hyperactivity

v Early puberty

v Increased fat formation

v Abnormal sexual behavior

v Disrupted reproductive cycles

v Structural damage to the brain

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